
Is Your Email Worth Millions?

A recent decision against UnityPoint Health was made where no ‘global cap’ was put in place with regard to settlement claims. These claims against UnityPoint Health stem from data breaches that were a result of two phishing incidents. The class of 1.4 million members are entitled to (up to) $1,000...

Mask Mandate: Does It Violate HIPAA?

As a business owner or simply a concerned citizen, you will encounter people who object to wearing the mask and may not have one on.  Your first inclination may be to scowl at them for not following the rules, or if you are in a position to do so, demand...

What is Spoofing?

Most of us may already know the term spoofing, as it is commonly used in the real-world to describe an alternate variation of something. Spoofing, from a cybercrime standpoint refers to the cybercriminals action to disguise a phone call, website, or email for malicious purposes. By falsifying their true appearance,...

How Do You Protect Your Company from Employee Errors?

Phishing is when a cyberattack is disguised and delivered using email as the carrier or weapon. Through very convincing and cleverly designed messages, the recipient is tricked into believing that the content or sender is authentic, and they then act upon instructions within the message. This means that the sender’s...

What are Keyloggers?

We take many steps to protect our information and privacy when using devices at home or within the office. However, if your device has a keylogger installed, the data you search, websites you are visiting, and login credentials you are entering can all be easily accessible to a cybercriminal. A...

Employee Privacy in a Pandemic

Gathering data for the sake of having data is a mistake that many people make. Effort is put into the research, without a clear idea of how or why you need the information that you’ve put time into gathering. Make sure it is worth it. Additionally, when this is done...

What is Spear Phishing?

While phishing attacks get the most press, spear phishing attacks can be much more dangerous. A phishing email has no intended target and is designed to barrage thousands of endpoints, hoping to get a bite. Spear phishing on the other hand, generally takes a targeted and thoroughly researched approach to...

What is Credit Card Skimming (and how can you protect yourself from it)?

Credit and debit cards are a simple and convenient alternate payment technique in lieu of cash. But, with so much of our financial information residing on these cards, they can be a major liability, if they fall into the wrong hands. Credit card skimmers have been around for years and...

Changing Our Attitudes About Password Security

Most situations teach us lessons so that we don't repeat damaging behaviors. For example, if you touch a hot stove, you know to pause and make sure it's off before doing it again. If you run out of gas on a highway, on future drives, you'll be on the lookout...